The Complete Stories of Philip - Philip K. Dick, ebook, Temp

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The Complete Stories of Philip K. Dick==================================================CONTENTS1 Autofac2 Service Call3 Captive Market4 The Mold of Yancy5 The Minority Report6 Recall Mechanism7 The Unreconstructed M8 Explorers We9 War Game10 If There Were No Benny Cemoli11 Novelty Act12 Waterspider13 What the Dead Men Say14 Orpheus With Clay Feet15 The Days of Perky Pat16 Stand-by17 What'll We Do With Ragland Park?18 Oh, To Be A Blobel!19 We Can Remember It For You Wholesale20 Rautavaara's Case21 Second VarietyNotes=================================================="More than anyone else in the field, Mr. Dick really puts you inside people's minds." -Wall Street JournalMany thousands of readers worldwide consider Philip K. Dick to have been the greatest science fiction writer on any planet. Since his untimely death in 1982, interest in Dick's work has continued to mount and his reputation has been enhanced by a growing body of critical attention. The Philip K. Dick Award is now presented annually to a distinguished work of science fiction, and the Philip K. Dick Society is devoted to the study and promulgation of his works.This collection includes all of the writer's earliest short and medium-length fiction (including several previously unpublished stories) covering the years 1954-1964, and featuring such fascinating tales as The Minority Report (the inspiration for Steven Spielberg's film), Service Call, Stand By, The Days of Perky Pat, and many others. Here, readers will find Dick's initial explorations of the themes he so brilliantly brought to life in his later work.Dick won the prestigious Hugo Award for best novel of 1963 for The Man in the High Castle and in the last year of his life, the now-classic film Blade Runner was made from his novel Do Androids Dream Electric Sheep?The classic stories of Philip K. Dick offer an intriguing glimpse into the early imagination of one of science fiction's most enduring and respected names."A useful acquisition for any serious SF library or collection." -Kirkus Reviews"Awe-inspiring." -The Washington Post==================================================CITADEL PRESS BOOKS are published by Kensington Publishing Corp.850 Third Avenue New York, NY 10022Copyright ? 1987 The Estate of Philip K. DickIntroduction copyright ? 1987 James Tiptree, Jr.All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or byany means without the prior written consent of the publisher, excepting briefquotes used in reviews.The excerpt by Philip K. Dick that appears in the beginning of this volume isfrom a collection of interviews with the author conducted by Paul Williams andpublished in Only Apparently Real, Arbor House, 1986. Used with permission.All Kensington titles, imprints, and distributed lines are available at specialquantity discounts for bulk purchases for sales promotions, premiums, fund-raising,educational, or institutional use. Special book excerpts or customized printings canalso be created to fit specific needs. For details, write or phone the office of theKensington special sales manager: Kensington Publishing Corp., 850 Third Avenue,New York, NY 10022, attn: Special Sales Department.Citadel Press and the Citadel Logo are trademarks of Kensington Publishing Corp.First Kensington printing: May 200210 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2Printed in the United States of AmericaCataloging data may be obtained from the Library of Congress.ISBN 0-8065-2379-4==================================================IntroductionBy James Tiptree, Jr.How do you know you're reading Philip K. Dick?I think, first and pervasively, it was the strangeness. Strange, Dick was and is. I think it was that which kept me combing the SF catalogs for more by him, waiting for each new book to come out. One hears it said, "X just doesn't think like other people." About Dick, it was true. In the stories, you can't tell what's going to happen next.And yet his characters are seemingly designed to be ordinary people -- except for the occasional screaming psychotic female who is one of Dick's specialties, and is always treated with love. They are ordinary people caught up in wildly bizarre situations, running a police force with the help of the mumblings of precognitive idiots, facing a self-replicating factory that has taken over the earth. Indeed, one of the factors in the strangeness is the care Dick takes to set his characters in the world of reality, an aspect most other writers ignore.In how many other science fiction stories do you know what the hero does for a living when he isn't caught up in the particular plot? Oh, he may be a member of a space crew, or, vaguely, a scientist. Or Young Werther. In Dick, you are introduced to the hero's business concerns on page one. That's not literally true of the short stories in this volume (I went back and checked), but the impression of the pervasiveness of "grubby" business concerns is everywhere, especially in the novels. The hero is in the antique business, say; as each new marvel turns up, he ruminates as to whether it is saleable. When the dead talk, they offer business advice. Dick never sheds his concern that we know how his characters earn their bread and butter. It is a part of the peculiar "grittiness" of Dick's style.Another part of the grittiness is the jerkiness of the dialog. I can never decide whether Dick's dialog is purely unreal, or more real than most. His people do not interact as much as they deliver monologs to carry on the plot, or increase the reader's awareness of a situation.And the situations are purely Dick. His "plots" are like nothing else in SF. If Dick writes a time-travel story, say, it will have a twist on it that makes it sui generis. Quite typically, the central gee-whiz marvel will not be centered, but will come at you obliquely, in the course, for instance, of a political election.And any relation between Dick and a nuts-and-bolts SF writer is a pure coincidence. In my more sanguine moments, I concede that he probably knows what happens when you plug in a lamp and turn it on, but beyond that there is little evidence of either technology or science. His science, such as it is, is all engaged in the technology of the soul, with a smattering of abnormal psychology.So far I have perhaps emphasized his oddities at the expense of his merits. What keeps you reading Dick? Well, for one thing, the strangeness, as I said, but within it there is always the atmosphere of striving, of men desperately trying to get some necessary job done, or striving at least to understand what is striking at them. A large percentage of Dick's heroes are tortured men; Dick is expert at the machinery of despair.And another beauty is the desolations. When Dick gives you a desolation, say after the bomb, it is a desolation unique of its kind. There is one such in this book. But amid the desolation you often find another of Dick's characteristic touches, the little animals.The little animals are frequently mutants, or small robots who have taken on life. They are unexplained, simply noted by another character in passing. And what are they doing? They are striving, too. A freezing sparrow hugs a rag around itself, a mutant rat plans a construction, "peering and planning." This sense of the ongoing busy-ness of life, however doomed, of a landscape in which every element has its own life, is trying to live, is typically and profoundly Dick. It carries the quality of compassion amid the hard edges and the grit, the compassion one suspects in Dick, but that never appears frontally. It is this quality of love, always quickly suppressed, that gleams across Dick's rubbled plains and makes them unique and memorable.James Tiptree, Jr.-December, 1986==================================================I used to believe the universe was basically hostile. And that I was misplaced in it, I was different from it. . . fashioned in some other universe and placed here, you see. So that it zigged while I zagged. And that it had singled me out only because there was something weird about me. I didn't really groove with the universe.I had a lot of fears that the universe would discover just how different I was from it. My only suspicion about it was that it would find out the truth about me, and its reaction would be perfectly normal: it would get me. I didn't feel that it was malevolent, just perceptive. And there's nothing worse that a perceptive universe if there's something weird about you.But this year I realized that that's not true. That the universe is perceptive, but it's friendly. . .I just don't feel that I'm different from the universe anymore.- Philip K. Dick in an interview, 1974.(from ONLY APPARENTLY REAL)<end>==================================================AutofacITension hung over the three waiting men. They smoked, paced back and forth, kicked aimlessly at weeds growing by the side of the road. A hot noonday sun glared down on brown fields, rows of neat plastic houses, the distant line of mountains to the west."Almost time," Earl Ferine said, knotting his skinny hands together. "It varies according to the load, a half second for every additional pound."Bitterly, Morrison answered, "You've got it plotted? You're as bad as it is. Let's pretend it just happens to be late."The third man said nothing. O'Neill was visiting from another settlement; he didn't know Ferine and Morrison well enough to argue with them. Instead, he crouched down and arranged the papers clipped to his aluminum check-board. In the blazing sun, O'Neill's arms were tanned, furry, glistening with s... [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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