The Bane of the Black Sword - Michael Moorcock, ebook, CALIBRE SFF 1970s, Temp 2

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//-->The Bane Of The Black Sword – Elric 05Michael MoorcockThe Bane Of The Black SwordThe fifth volume of the saga of Elric of Melniboneby Michael MoorcockBOOK ONEThe Stealer of SoulsPage 1In which Elric once again makes the ac-quaintance of Queen Yishana of Jharkorand Theleb K'aarna of Pan Tang and re-ceives satisfaction at last.ONEIn a city called Bakshaan, which was rich enough tomake all other cities of the North East seem poor, in atall-towered tavern one night, Elric, Lord of the smokingruins of Melnibone, smiled like a shark and dryly jestedwith four powerful merchant princes whom, in a day orso, he intended to pauperize.Moonglum the Outlander, Elric's companion, viewedthe tall albino with admiration and concern. For Elricto laugh and joke was rare—but that he should share hisgood humour with men of the merchant stamp, that wasunprecedented. Moonglum congratulated himself thathe was Elric's friend and wondered upon the outcome ofthe meeting. Elric had, as usual, elaborated little of hisplan to Moonglum."We need your particular qualities as swordsman andsorcerer, Lord Elric, and will, of course, pay well forPage 2them." Pilarmo, overdressed, intense and scrawny, wasmain spokesman for the four."And how shall you pay, gentlemen?" inquired Elricpolitely, still smiling.Pilarmo's colleagues raised their eyebrows and eventheir spokesman was slightly taken aback. He waved hishand through the smoky air of the tavern-room whichwas occupied only by the six men."In gold—in gems," answered Pilarmo."In chains," said Elric. "We free travellers need nochains of that sort."Moonglum bent forward out of the shadows where hesat, his expression showing that he strongly disapprovedof Elric's statement.Pilarmo and the other merchants were plainly aston-ished, too. "Then how shall we pay you?""I will decide that later," Elric smiled. "But why talkof such things until the time—what do you wish me todo?"Page 3Pilarmo coughed and exchanged glances with hispeers. They nodded. Pilarmo dropped his tone andspoke slowly:"You are aware that trade is highly competitive inthis city, Lord Elric. Many merchants vie with one an-other to secure the custom of the people. Bakshaan is arich city and its populace is comfortably off, in themain.""This is well known," Elric agreed; he was privatelylikening the well-to-do citizens of Bakshaan to sheep andhimself to the wolf who would rob the fold. Because ofthese thoughts, his scarlet eyes were full of a humourwhich Moonglum knew to be malevolent and ironic"There is one merchant in this city who controls morewarehouses and shops than any other," Pilarmo contin-ued. "Because of the size and strength of his caravans,he can afford to import greater quantities of goods intoBakshaan and thus sell them for lower prices. He is vir-tually a thief—he will ruin us with his unfair methods."Pilarmo was genuinely hurt and aggrieved."You refer to Nikorn of Ilmar?" Moonglum spokePage 4from behind Elric.Pilarmo nodded mutely.Elric frowned. "This man heads his own caravans-braves the dangers of the desert, forest and mountain.He has earned his position.""That is hardly the point," snapped fat Tormiel, be — ringed and powdered, his flesh a-quiver."No, of course not." Smooth-tongued Kelos patted hiscolleague's arm consolingly. "But we all admire bravery,I hope." His friends nodded. Silent Deinstaf, the last ofthe four, also coughed and wagged his hairy head. Heput his unhealthy fingers on the jewelled hilt of an or-nate but virtually useless poignard and squared hisshoulders. "But," Kelos went on, glancing at Deinstafwith approval, "Nikorn takes no risks selling his goodscheaply—he's killing us with his low prices.""Nikorn is a thorn in our flesh," Pilarmo elaboratedunnecessarily."And you gentlemen require myself and my compan-Page 5 [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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