The Godfather - Prima Official Game Guide, Prima, Bradygames IGN and other guide, Poradniki ENG

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Prima Games
A Division of Random House, Inc.
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Roseville, CA 95661
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registered in the United States and other countries. Primagames.com is
a registered trademark of Random House, Inc., registered in the United
States. Prima Games is a division of Random House, Inc.
This book is dedicated to my godson, Samuel J. Williams.
™, ® & © 2006 Paramount Pictures. All Rights Reserved.
No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means,
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Managing Editor: Jill “Brass Knuckles” Hinckley
Editorial Supervisor: Christy “Hacksaw” Seifert
Copy Editor: Asha “the Enforcer” Johnson
Design and Layout: Jody “Two Times” Seltzer, Bryan “Otto” Neff
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Prima Games has made every effort to determine that the information contained in
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cannot provide information regarding game play, hints and strategies, or problems
with hardware or software. Questions should be directed to the support numbers
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tricks require precise timing and may require repeated attempts before the desired
result is achieved.
ISBN: 0-7615-5102-6
Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 2005906163
Printed in the United States of America
06 07 08 09 LL 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
This book would not have been possible without the months of tremendous
help and support from the following people:
Hunter Smith
David DeMartini
Mike Olsen
Philip Campbell
Mike Perry
Steven Smith
Jillian Goldberg
David Rosen
Greg Rizzer
Simon Ffi nch
Greg Roensch
Dan Davis
Joel Wade
Harry Lang
Sandi Isaacs
Dan Felts
Robert Pitts
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Ben Wronsky
Steven Russell
Nina Dobner
Kiko Arikawa
John Calhoun
Gary Treangen

“I’m going to tell you the story of a boy. His name was Leolucas. He was born more than a
thousand years ago, in Sicily. When he was only twelve, he saw his parents brutally murdered by
soldiers. After that, he was alone; and even though he was just a boy, he ran his Family’s estate and
worked the land, like a man. Then one day, he heard the summons to his true destiny. He gave all his
money, and his land, to the poor—he became a monk. He performed many selfl ess acts and was loved
by everybody who knew him. He died peacefully at the age of a hundred.
“Even after his death, he performed many miracles, affi rmed by the
Holy Father in Rome. Leolucas is now the Patron Saint of Corleone.
“A thousand years later, on the very land that Leolucas once
worked, another boy was born. He had a happy childhood, until,
when he was twelve, some men came to kill his father. Three
shots from a lupara. His mother was stabbed. Gutted like an
animal. The boy escaped. That was me. I was that boy. I came
to America, I took the name of my hometown. I worked hard,
helped my friends, and built up a good business. And I avenged
the wrongs that had been done to my Family. This is our
tradition. These men of honor, too, are my Family. La
Famiglia Corleone. If you want to be with us, we now
invite you to be, reborn, as one of us.
“The instruments by which you live and die are the
gun and the knife.
“Back and forth. If you ever betray your
friends, you will burn, just as the picture of
our beloved patron saint now burns your
bloodied palm. Do you agree to this?
“You are now one of our qualifi ed
men. Gli uomini qualifi cat.
Please, introduce yourself to
your brothers.”
—Don Vito Corleone,
Summer 1950
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This tome provides all the knowledge you need to run a mafi a empire across the landscape of New York City. To further
your progress, this guide is divided into the following chapters (not including “Introduction”):
Training: Gaining Power
– p. 4
From nego a ng menus, to choosing a Mobface and an outfit, to unde tanding
e in-game icons and maps, every ing to get you arted in your career as a
fledgling gang er is here. Of special note are al e B ckHand combat and
grappling techniques, w pons informa on, and vehicles to drive.
Training: Earning Money and Respe
– p. 24
Here you’l l rn e techniques at alow you to incr se your money and respe .
L rn how to level up, what skils to incr se, and how to d l wi extor ons,
h t, vendetas, and a mob war. Also l rn about e world of free ncing, where
you make your own de iny.
Meet e Families
– p. 38
This se ion details ch of e four rival Families, eir Family trees, and where
ey are based, plus biographies of e main membe of e Corleone Family.
Tour of e Ci
– p. 45
This tour of al five neighborhoods shows every business proprietor, racket boss,
police a on, clinic, hospital, church, ndmark, and compound. Find details on
every pe on you can extort money from, e maximum amount you can extort, and
e hi ory of e business. After is, find ta ics on taking down warehouses and
compounds and hei ing ban .
The Walk rough
– p. 119
The bulk of is book shows you preferred ta ics for comple ng al e campaign
missions, and e 20 contra hits you can atempt roughout e game. Where
appropriate, mul ple me ods of comple on for ch part of a mission are shown,
along wi a ho of ps, notes, and cau ons.
Appendices: Li s and Tables
– p. 320
These appendices alow you to check off tas when you complete em. This se ion
also li s every ing is game has to offer!
Art Galeries
– p. 326
The final se ion of e guide is packed wi pre-produ ion sketches, rende ,
and pain ngs. Peppered roughout e galeries are notes from membe of
e development t m detailing e key elements of designing e game, from
incep on to comple on.
For cheat codes and more information on this title, visit the offi cial website:
www.ea.com/offi cial/godfather/godfather/us/home.jsp
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The Op ons Menu
You have three sets of options here. The fi rst deals with
your camera. Rotation can be normal (Move Camera left,
and the camera turns left) or inverted (Move Camera left,
and the camera turns right). Pitch can also be normal
(Move Camera up, and the view moves up) or inverted (the
opposite). Vibration for your game pad can be set to on
or off. Keep it on to “feel” when you’re being shot from
behind, for example.
The second set of options deals with sound. You can turn
the Music and Effects Volumes up or down, and switch
subtitles in cutscenes on or off.
The third set of options simply shows you the game’s
controls. There are two, and neither can be changed from
the default setting. The fi rst is Maneuvering/Combat and
the second is Driving.
Welcome to
the Family
Getting Started:
The Main Menu
Starting a Game
Control Basics
Movement and
BlackHand Combat
Firearms &
Driving &
Leveling Up
& Becoming
More Skilled
Your journey from young punk to Don of NYC has begun,
but you won’t gain honor and respect without pulverizing,
placating, and pissing off a few people along the way. This
is why you must learn the different ways to build up your
character, use the environment in your favor, extort the
most money, and systematically dismantle the four rival
crime Families’ empires across the fi ve areas of town, all
without getting in over your head. Fortunately, these two
training sections (“Gaining Power” and “Earning Money and
Respect”) teach you everything you need to know.
Spoiler Alert!
Throughout this book, there are revelations
about completing tasks, the fi nal resting
places of Family members, locations of
important people or objects, and other
potentially game-changing information.
With this in mind, exercise caution and restraint
when reading this book: It pulls no punches in telling
you need to know!
Missions, Hits,
and Ranks
Know Your
Living World
Money &
This section shows you the complete preparation of your
character, prior to him entering New York City.
Once you have optionally
played Mission 0, you
can create your character
using the Mobface
system. This robust face
molding system allows
you to sculpt your
character into almost
any type of male Italian
The main menu allows
you to select from the
following sub-menus:
When you load a game, you can
elect to “Visit the Barber” and
change your appearance to some degree. Try
adding some lines, scars, and blemishes as
the campaign progresses!
change your appearance to some degree. Try
New Game:
New Game begins your campaign for the fi rst
time, and asks if you wish to play the Prelude (Mission 0); it
is recommended you do so.
Load Game:
Load Game loads one of four saved games
from previous outings, showing your character’s name,
rank, and play time.
Op ons:
The Options menu is covered below.
Credits shows you those responsible for bringing
you this fi ne game.
Family Secrets:
Family Secrets shows all the bonus material
you’ve unlocked, starting with fi ve training videos and an
ad. for
The Godfather
movie. Other material is unlocked
during the course of the game, once certain objectives
have been made.
Original Gang e : Mobface
Leave the main menu screen running
for some classic
The Godfather
and a trailer of the action to come!
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