The Lady and the Dragon - Shelley Bradley, ebook, ebook.1400, Temp 3

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//-->eBooks arenottransferable. They cannot be sold, shared or given away asit is an infringement on the copyright of this work.This book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places, and incidents areproducts of the writer’s imagination or have been used fictitiously and are notto be construed as real. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, actualevents, locale or organizations is entirely coincidental.Samhain Publishing, Ltd.512 Forest Lake DriveWarner Robins, Georgia 31093The Lady and the DragonCopyright © 2007 by Shelley BradleyCover by Scott CarpenterISBN: 1-59998-471-7www.samhainpublishing.comAll Rights Are Reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in anymanner whatsoever without written permission, except in the case of briefquotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.First Samhain Publishing, Ltd. electronic publication: May 2007The Lady and the DragonShelley BradleyDedicationTo Angie and Crissy. Thank you for giving my first book a second chance.You are wonderful to work with!The Lady and the DragonChapter One1813“What do you mean, blackmailing Manchester is out of the question? Theold bastard doesn’t have asinglevice?” Drexell Cain demanded, fists clenchedas he leaned across the warped surface of the pub’s battered table.Within the seedy inn’s common room, raucous laughter exploded anddrunken singing abounded. The smell of old liquor lingered. His friend, GregoryBryce, Viscount Monroe, dressed in a fine coat of Devonshire brown, looked asout of place rubbing elbows with the dockside scum as the Prince Regentwould.Greg shook his head. “Not one sin, my friend.”“Damn!” Drex pounded a fist into the table. “I’d hoped he was followingMelville’s lead and using the Admiralty’s money to speculate for his own profit.”“Why should he? Manchester is nearly as wealthy as the Admiralty’streasury.”“The old bugger can’t be perfect,” Drex insisted. “Isn’t he sampling thegoods in any bedroom but his own? What about gambling debts?” He raked atense hand through his hair. “Did you check at White’s and Watier’s?”“I’ve come as close to the man as I can without moving in like some spinsteraunt. He doesn’t indulge intête-à-têtesor drink. He even runs with thetediously dull crowd at Boodle’s.”“Sounds like a damned saint.” Drex swore.“Indeed, our Lord of the Admiralty appears the utmost in devoted familymen. He is deeply involved in his granddaughter’s life and attends services atMayfair Chapel every Sunday.”“No man is without at least one weakness. He must have a flaw of somesort…” Drex pressed on, his voice urgent.-5- [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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