The Magazine of Fantasy and Sci - Fantasy, ebook, CALIBRE SFF 1970s, Temp 2
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//-->THE MAGAZINEOf-FontosScience fictionIMs.....N,.,,._.......ewoNI-wiRfti"'d...._~-r200l:AS.PACEODYSSEY byArthurC. ClarkeHunting an alien"presence" in theuniverse~5men and acomputer- gone- psycho-tic stumble upon the In-credible secret of mankind'sbirth- only to trigger thecosmic\\booby·trap"that couldspellItsdeath.Acontroversial best-seller by themostacclaimedscience fiction writer of our era.f'HOTOQIIA,.H COUIITIESY0'MOM '"OMTHE NLM20011AIP'ACIEOOVSU:Y, A ITANLIYKUBRICKI"IIODUCTIOH.Science FldlonhasRrown up.Haveyou keptup?A new literary genre has come ofage-yourage. Mature. Sophisticated.Provocative.Andrespected.Youarcin-vited to exploreitnow underanamazing trialofler. Takeany3 volumes on this page(worthup to$23.40in original publishers' editions) for only$1withmembership.•New clubselectionswill be described toyou inadvance each month. Choose from new works offiction-andfact-bysuchacclaimed authors as RayBrad-bury, Rod Serling, Isaac Asimov, Arthur Clarke, RobertHeinlein and others. All volumesarefull-length, hard-bound-and uncut. Though they sell for.asmuch as$4.9S,$5.95and more in their original publishers' editions, clubmembers pay only$1.49plus shipping. {You may choosean optional extra-value selectionataslightlyhigherprice.) Your sole obligation is to accept as few as fourbooks during the coming year. Cancel any time thereafter.Science Fiction Book Club, Garden City, N.Y.11530.Ir7c~~F-;;T~611.Robert A. Hein-lein. He knew theJibnlanlonsecret-anditspelledhisdoom. Pub. cd.S6.t5ser-a- ••,... -.nllou.AntholOIY of33orieinalatoriesnever before Inprinl by Sturf::"•Jates today's sod·etyinto 21st Ccn-6U.St.- . .z....~~::~r. b~xtr~:C,~:::.·~':"U~ers.171. Tlte FouoFUt,by BurtCole.~6.·ed~O~/saaes.Plcllo•m. ,...,.......UoaTrllo11 • bybaacAthnoot. Theendsofthe plaxyrevert cobarMriam.Pub. cd. Sli.H611. A Trus•t)'otG...cSdnttFk-1....2-volume set.1,000 PIJCI.Countauonebook. Pub.ed.$5.fSw.w-w•aautlaney, Knl&ht,AI·diu,andothera.611.'· ......byIsaac Asimov.Lon&out of print."Anentlc:inathrill·er."-N. Y.Times.Pub.ed.S3.seDept. 04-MSX,GardenCity, N.Y.11530Pleasearc::eptmy applicationformemberahip andrushmethe3books whose numbers I have cirt'led below. Bill meonb$1.00,plusohlpplngand handling. foroil3.Then.month,sendme the Club's freebulletin...ThlngotoCome...whichdescribescoming selections.ForClrelotho•u•IMnefeachbookIaccept,I will pay onlythoSbookl:rouWMt.$1.49.pluoshippingand handline.unleu I take anextra-value se)e('-171600601tton at a higher price. Ineedtake605615818only four books within the comtneyearandmayredan at any time822823624thereafter.•825627629NO-RISK GUARANTEE:Ifnot842delighted with myintroductorypackage, I may return it in 10days to cancel membership.-;;,;;~U-;;----- -J•••oblitlled byDeva love~.wns!Pub.ed.619.'Bellhlllrt~IHM•.RayBndbury.l95toties... Jntemc-Oov'tcomputer}~-~~~~C::Sclc•nPrintNam•----------------------------------------Addre"--------------------------------------Pout6U. 7.•,nuclear,..ln·terpluct&Q'.wanInthefulureCanc-o-o.Anderson. 7aunlnt=·.....¥,m,r:.a~~w~·movie!;iCity------------ Stote,___________Zip _____BatllePub. .......Earthlfetwunallen worlds-anda daperaae raceto~tun.PUb.eel.::~:ra~e~:621.LutltanlllpPro• Eutll byJohnBoyd, YounaIoven nee lovelesssociety ruled b722-579p~:.~~~e;..;,~d'eCOMPLETE SHORT NOVEL21sT YEAR OF PUBLICATIONIll Met In LankhmarNOVE LETFRITZ LEIBER5In Black Of Many ColorsSHORT STORIESNEIL SHAPIRO6754SoulmateCHARLES W. RUNYONThe Brief, Swinging Career of Dan and Judy SmytheCARTER WILSON86The Wizard of AtalaRICHARD A. LUPOFF91They All Ran After The Farmer's WifeRAYLYN MOORE115FEATURESCartoonBooksScience:The Nobel Prize That Wasn'tF&SF MarketplaceCover by Chesley Bonestell (see page 46)Joseph W. FermtJn,PUBLISHERAndrew Porter,ASSISTANT EDITORDale Beardtde,GAHAN WILSONJAMES BLISHISAAC ASIMOV4748105129Edward L. Ferman,Isaac Asimov,SCIENCECIRCULATION :MANAGEREDITOREDITORLIBRARY OF CONGRESS CATALOG CARD NO.:51-25682The Magazi11e of Fantasy and Science Fiction, Volume 38, No. 4, Whole No. 227, April1970. Published monthly by Mercury Press, Inc., at 60- a copy. Annual subscription $7.00;$7.50inCanada and Mexico, $8.00inall other countries. Postmaster: send Form 3579 toFantasy&Science Fiction, Box 271, Rocktoille Centre, N. Y. 11571. Publication o/fic,,10 Ferry Street, Concord, N. H. 03301. Editorial and general mail should be sent to 341East SJrd St ..•Vc•w York,,\".Y. 10022. Second Class postaf/e paid at Concord. N. H.PrintedinU.S.A.©1970 by Mercury Press, Inc. All rights, including translations intoother languages, reserved. Submissionsm~tstbe accompanied by stamped, self-addressedenvelopes; the Publisherassr~mesno responsibility forretr~rnof unsolicited m11nuseripts.Many of our readers are probably familiar with Fritz Leiber'sextraordinary stories about the adventures of Fafhrd and theGray Mouser (published mostly inUnknownandFantastic).This latest story is the ideal introduction for those new to theseries. The author tells why:"A little more than 30 years ago I recorded the first adventureof the thief the Gray Mouser and the barbarian Fafhrd near thehuge and ancient city of Lankhmar in what I later discoveredto be the world of Nehwon. That story was published in the August1939 issue of the magazineUnknownas "Tu;o Sought Adventure"and later retitled "The Jewels in the Forest." In it, the Mouser andFafhrd were already close-knit comrades of long standing.At irregular intervals over the years I set down many· more oftheir exploits-some 20, about-even including a tale concerningthe youth of each before they met. But-only a little at first, thenmore and more-l became haunted by the question of howthese two dissimilar men ever did come to meet in the firstplace and form such a particularly deep friendship, with greatempathy for each other and unshakeable mutual loyalty.I sensed that some crucial adventure teas involved, and I wasfairly sure that it had taken place in Lankhmar on a dark andmisty night, but otherwise my vision was clouded. Recently theclouds lifted and I was able to tell, with pricklings of horror andthe unshed tears of sheer tragedy, but with laughter too, the taleI have titled, 'Ill Met in Lankhmar:"-FRITZ LEIBER,Oct. 1969ILL MET IN LANKHMARby Fritz LeiberSILENT AS SPECTERS, THE TALLand the fat thief edged past thedead, noose-strangled watch-leop-ard, out the thick, lock-pickeddoor of Jengao the Gem Merchant,and strolled east on Cash Streetthrough the thin black night-smogof Lankhmar.East on Cash it had to be, forwest at Cash and Silver was a po-lice post with unbribed guards-men restlessly grounding and rat-tling their pikes.But tall, tight-lipped Slevyas,master thief candidate, and fat,darting-eyed Fissif, thief secondclass, with a rating of talented indouble-dealing, were not in thes6least worried. Everything was pro-ceeding according to plan. Eachcarried thonged in his pouch asmaller pouch of jewels of the firstwater only, for Jengao, nowbreathing stentoriously inside andsenseless from the slugging he'dsuffered, must be allowed, nay,nursed and encouraged to buildup his business again and so ripenit for another plucking. Almostthe first law of the Thieves' Guildwas never to kill the hen that laideggs with a ruby in the yolk.The two thieves also had therelief of knowing that they weregoing straight home now, not to awife, Arath forbid!-or to parentsand children, all gods forfend!-but to Thieves' House, headquar-ters and barracks of the almightyGuild, which was father to themboth and mother too, though nowoman was allowed inside itsever-open portal on Cheap Street.In addition there was the com-forting knowledge that althougheach was armed only with his reg-ulation silver-hilted thief's knife,they were nevertheless moststrongly convoyed by three reliableand lethal bravoes hired for theevening from the Slayers' Brother-hood, one moving well ahead ofthem as point, the other two wellbehind as rear guard and chiefstriking force.And if all that were notenough to make Slevyas andFissif feel safe and serene, theredanced along soundlessly besideFANTASY AND SCIENCE FICTIONthem in the shadow of the northcurb a small, malformed or at anyrate somewhat large-headed shapethat might have been a very smalldog, a somewhat undersized cat,or a very big rat.True, this last guard was notan absolutely unalloyed reassur-ance. Fissif strained upward towhisper softly in Slevyas' long-lobed ear, "Damned if I like beingdogged by that familiar of Hristo-milo, no matter what security he'ssupposed to afford us. Bad enoughthat Krovas did employ or let him-selfbecowed into employinga sorcerer of most dubious, ifdire, reputation and aspect, butthat-""Shut your trap!" Slevyas hissedstill more softly.Fissif obeyed with a shrug andemployed himself in darting hisgaze this way and that, but chieflyahead.Some distance in that direction,in fact just short of Gold Street,Cash was bridged by an enclosedsecond-story passageway connect-ing the two buildings which madeup the premises of the famousstone-masons and sculptors Rok-kermas and Slaarg. The firm'sbuildings .themselves were frontedby very shallow porticoes support-ed by unnecessarily large pillarsof varied shape and decoration,advertisements more than struc-tural members.From just beyond the bridgecame two low, brief whistles, a
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