The Masters - Theodore R. Cogswell, ebook, Temp

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======================The Mastersby Theodore R. Cogswell======================Copyright (c)1954, 1981 by Theodore R. CogswellOriginally published in Thrilling Wonder Stories, Summer 1954Wildside Presswww.wildsidepress.comScience Fiction---------------------------------NOTICE: This work is copyrighted. It is licensed only for use by the original purchaser. Duplication or distribution of this work by email, floppy disk, network, paper print out, or any other method is a violation of international copyright law and subjects the violator to severe fines and/or imprisonment.---------------------------------Published byWildside PressP.O. Box 301Holicong, PA 18928-0301www.wildsidepress.com--------"SO HEAVY!" groaned the last Earthman to himself as he laboriously pried up a heavy flagstone with the butt of an old halberd. "So very, very, heavy."As the flat rock finally toppled over, he bent down, with all the speed his complaining back would permit, and grabbed a centipede that was scuttling for safety. Grimacing slightly, he bit off its head and sucked out its little ration of unsatisfying juices. While he did so, he nearsightedly scanned the moist ground the flagstone had covered, to see if there was anything else. But that section of his larder was empty. With a weary grunt, he moved over to the next paving stone. When he had it halfway up, he saw a fine wiggling underneath. Before he could do anything about it, there was a sudden shattering of the night silence, as something exploded in the high distance. Startled, he let the halberd drop -- almost smashing a toe in the process -- and looked up. As he watched, there came another thundering, and, with the harsh explosions, a flickering light flood. The ragged mountains that cupped his tiny signory jumped in and out of darkness. By the time he recovered his vision, the sound was almost overhead. He squinted upward into the darkness as the flashes came again, less bright this time. Then he saw a strange something descending toward him on spouting pillars of emerald flame."Company!" he chortled happily to himself as he tottered down the winding stairs that led to his chambers. "After all these years, real live company!"Trembling with haste -- and something else -- he took his musty dinner clothes out of a great oak chest. A few minutes later he was ready, immaculately attired, a multi-colored ribbon -- signifying the highest decoration of the Austrian Empire -- diagonally across the gleaming white of his shirt front. The little rosette of the French Legion of Honor shone modestly on one lapel.By the time the ground around the strange ship outside had cooled enough to let its occupants emerge, the great hall was a blaze of light from hastily lighted tapers. A new fire crackled in the fireplace, and the long banquet table had been dusted and stood gleaming in the candlelight. The last of his cellar, a single cobwebbed bottle, had been carefully placed on the table. With one last glance to assure himself that everything was at its best, he hobbled to the entrance and waited, the perfect image of a gracious host.He felt a momentary pang of disappointment when he saw only one figure emerge from the ship, but then shrugged philosophically. He, of all people, was in no position to complain over the magnitude of windfalls. At least this night, for the first time in more years than he cared to think about, he would dine as a gentleman should.* * * *When she stepped into the candlelight, he gave a little purr of satisfaction. No thick bodied peasant this, but a patrician, an aristocrat of the first order. He stepped out of the shadows and gave a courtly bow."You are welcome, my dear. What little my poor house has to offer is yours."Her response marked her as a thoroughbred. When she turned slowly to face him, there was no fright, no confusion."How strange," she murmured. "How very, very strange. The scouts claimed to have detected night movements, but it was hard to believe. Are there more of you?""No, my dear," said Count Shirov sadly. "I'm the last, the very last of all my kind. But to have such a lovely thing as you to brighten my dwelling makes the years of loneliness a mere nothing.""You are too kind," she said absently, her eyes sweeping the ruined hall as if they were looking for hidden men in dark corners. Suits of ancestral armor still stood in glass fronted cases, but part of the roof had fallen in and the great doors hung on broken hinges."Amusing artifacts," she said. "It might be interesting to preserve this place as a museum.""Now it is you who are being too kind," said the Count, as he ushered her toward two chairs that had been placed very close together at one end of the banquet table. "But I am being remiss in my duties as a host. A glass of wine, perhaps? I can vouch for its excellence.""I don't drink," she said."A pity," sighed the Count. "Wine and beauty belong together. But at least be kind enough to grant an old man just a sip of both."Before she could protest, he eased her into one of the chairs, and seated himself beside her. He poured a crystal goblet half full of bubbling blood-red fluid and held it up so it caught the light from the tapers. As he twisted the glass, brilliant little crimson flashes coruscated from it."Isn't it beautiful, my dear?" he murmured and tilted the goblet slightly so the dancing light flecks caught her full in the eyes."So beautiful, so very, very beautiful." As his voice crooned on it became softer and softer, until it was barely audible. "So much beauty that it seems impossible to take your eyes away from it. It fills them with little wavelets of shimmering light and makes you drowsy, so drowsy that even the sparklets begin to dim away because you are so terribly sleepy ... sleepy ... sleepy..."His voice trailed off into silence, and slowly he began to bend toward her, his own eyes dazzled by the whiteness of her neck. And then a wave of blind hunger that he was powerless to resist swirled over him. His lips curled back to expose two incisors that were more like fangs than teeth. With a sudden animal-like snarl, he snapped at her jugular vein.Under ordinary circumstances the Count would not have acted so precipitously -- he had always prided himself on the delicacy of his dining -- but these were by no means ordinary circumstances. After long famine, greediness, if not excused, can at least be condoned.During the time of the fleeing men, he had eaten so well that for the first time in his life he had begun to acquire a slight paunch. What they were fleeing from didn't arouse his curiosity -- he was long accustomed to the periodic waves of madness that had been sweeping through the Balkans for as long as he could remember.The flight was toward the west, so it might be from the Turks. The Count didn't mind. He had always rather enjoyed the Ottoman invasions. Their half-starved fighting men were much too gamey for his taste, but the bashas -- ah the bashas!But then one night came the first of the green clouds, small puffs of glittering light-points that moved as if they had an intelligence of their own. And then more, ever more, darting through the passes and up over the mountain meadows, searching, ever searching until they found what they were hunting for. Then there were swift swooping dives and a clustering on twitching two-legged or four-legged things. When they left to hunt again, the vultures came, and after them the rats and crawling things.And then the green clouds themselves were gone. Whether they died, or ran out of fuel, or just evaporated, Count Shirov didn't know -- and didn't care. By then he was too hungry.Something had happened to the balance of things. There were more lichens and toadstools than there were honest grasses, and leaves crinkled and grew brown before their time. Soon there was little left for decent greenness except long streamers of Spanish moss hanging from the dying trees. The Count didn't adjust to the new order without protest. There had been a time when only the blood of the most beautiful of village virgins had been considered suitable for the breaking of his fast. Then he was reduced to vultures -- but not without a great deal of initial gagging, however.More than disgust was present. There was also pain. Vultures have an unfortunate predilection for perching side by side on the highest branches available come nightfall, and neither the Count's dignity, nor his aging muscles, were equal to the laborious task of climbing up after them. As a result, night after night he was forced to go through an agonizing metamorphosis and sweep through the night air on black bat wings to where his breakfast slumbered.Popular tradition to the contrary, changing form is an agonizing process. There is a melting and a twisting and a shoving, a compressing of delicate nerve endings that is so painful that, except for an initial trying of his powers when he was young, and one or two emergency escapes from angry Transylvanian villagers, the Count had been content to keep his normal shape through the centuries. Now he had no choice but to put himself on the rack twice nightly.Unfortunately for him, however, although he could survive on a diet of vulture blood, they couldn't keep alive without adequate rations of carrion. When the harvest left behind by the green clouds had all been gathered, there was nothing left for the naked-necked scavengers. They grew wan and thin, bundles of feathers stretched tight on... [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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