The Naked God - Peter F. Hamilton, ebook, ebook.1400, Temp 3

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//-->INTERNATIONAL RAVE REVIEWSFOR ONE OF THE BIGGEST SF EVENTSOF THE DECADE!“ASTOUNDING. . . THRILLING . . . SURPRISING . . .AN ASTUTE STORYTELLER . . . HAMILTON DOES ANEXCELLENT JOB.THE NAKED GODoffers up pageupon page of space opera, action interwoven with ele-ments of SF, fantasy, and even horror. . . . Hamilton usestechnology to excellent effect.”—Science Fiction Age“COMBINESGOOD SCIENCE FICTION PRINCIPLESWITH A THOROUGHLY ENTERTAINING STORY. . . .THE NAKED GODis a solid finish to a great series.”—“THEAUTHOR’S EXPANSIVE VISION OF THE FU-TURE COMBINES ACTION AND INTRIGUE ON APANORAMIC SCALE that should appeal to fans of Asi-mov’s Foundation series.”—Library Journal“HAMILTON’SJOY IN SCIENCE-TETHERED FLIGHTSOF FANCY IS INFECTIOUS. . . .THE REALITYDYSFUNCTIONis an epic in the traditional sense of theword—big, brash, sweeping, hyperbolic, exuberant,thunderously enjoyable—the sort of book that Tolstoywould have produced had he availed himself of a bucket-load of LSD before settling down to writeWar and Peace.”—Interzonemore . . .“Spaceoperas are galaxy-spanning tales of battling star-ships, exploding planets . . . and questions on the natureof good and evil and the evolution of man. Making co-herent stories from this material is a rare talent. . . .PETER HAMILTON HAS JOINED THIS RARE BREED INA BIG WAY.”—Denver Post“ASPACE OPERA THAT IS BIG, BOISTEROUS, ANDHAS SOMETHING FOR EVERYONE. . . . Hamilton’suniverse will not fit into a single volume. There are justtoo many heroes to love, villains to hate, and worlds toexplore. . . . His imagination knows no bounds!”—Science Fiction Weekly“HAMILTON’SWORK ENCOMPASSES A BROAD SWEEPOF PHILOSOPHICAL AND MORALISTIC THEMES. . . .The depth and clarity of the future Hamilton envisions is ascomplex and involving as they come.”—Publishers Weekly(starred review)“HAMILTONHAS CRAFTED HIS FUTURE HISTORYWITH GREAT CARE . . . A SOON-TO-BE CLASSICSCIENCE FICTION MILIEU.”—SF Site“ABSOLUTELYVINTAGE SCIENCE FICTION. . . .HAMILTON PUTS [SF] BACK INTO INTERSTELLAROVERDRIVE. An intergalactic adventure story laced withironies, insights, and held together by a transcendingcentral plot.”—The Times(London)“ASWEEPING, PANORAMIC NOVEL THAT IS LIKELYTO ATTRACT A LEGION OF FANS. This should be oneof the major publishing events in the genre this year.”—Science Fiction Chronicle“PAINTEDON THE VAST CANVAS OF CLASSIC SPACEOPERA. . . . The story builds to an explosive climax.”—SFX“ELOQUENTAND INGENIOUS. . . . A host of believ-able characters deploy against rich descriptions ofworlds and living starships.”—Daily Telegraph(London)“IFANY BOOK DESERVES A RECOMMENDATION‘DONOT MISS,’ IT IS THIS.”—Critical WaveALSOBYPETERF. HAMILTONTHEREALITYDYSFUNCTIONTHENEUTRONIUMALCHEMISTA SECONDCHANCE ATEDEN [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
