The Sparrow - Mary Doria Russell, ebook

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//-->Mary Doria Russell – The Sparrow1Mary Doria Russell – The Sparrow2Copyright © 1996 by Mary Dona RussellAll rights reserved under International and Pan-American Copyright Conventions. Published in theUnited States by Villard Books, a division of RandomHouse, Inc., New York, and simultaneously in Canadaby Random House of Canada Limited, Toronto.ISBN 0-679-45150-1Random House website address:Printed in the United States of Americaon acid-free paper9 8 7 6 5 43Mary Doria Russell – The Sparrow3FOR MAURA E. KIRBYANDMARY L. DEWINGquarum sine auspicio hicliber in lucent non esseteditasMary Doria Russell – The Sparrow4IT WAS PREDICTABLE, in hindsight. Everything about the history of theSociety of Jesus bespoke deft and efficient action, exploration and re-search. During what Europeans were pleased to call the Age of Discov-ery, Jesuit priests were never more than a year or two behind the menwho made initial contact with previously unknown peoples; indeed, Je-suits were often the vanguard of exploration.The United Nations required years to come to a decision that the So-ciety of Jesus reached in ten days. In New York, diplomats debated longand hard, with many recesses and tablings of the issue, whether and whyhuman resources should be expended in an attempt to contact the worldthat would become known as Rakhat when there were so many pressingneeds on Earth. In Rome, the questions were not whether or why buthow soon the mission could be attempted and whom to send.The Society asked leave of no temporal government. It acted on itsown principles, with its own assets, on Papal authority. The mission toRakhat was undertaken not so much secretly as privately—a fine dis-tinction but one that the Society felt no compulsion to explain or justifywhen the news broke several years later.The Jesuit scientists went to learn, not to proselytize. They went sothat they might come to know and love God's other children. They wentfor the reason Jesuits have always gone to the farthest frontiers of humanMary Doria Russell – The Sparrow5exploration. They wentad majorem Dei gloriam:for the greater glory ofGod.They meant no harm. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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