The State of the Art on Alyssum - Marta Randall, ebook, CALIBRE SFF 1970s, Temp 2

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by Marta Randall
 Greze, who is not the sanest of us even at the best
of times, has advised me to cease and desist.
Himmel believes that I should continue in my
plans, but has warned me not to associate any
names with it whatsoever, foremost among them,
Himmel's own. Nort, of course, says nothing. All of
this is excellent advice, particularly Nort's.
Today I completed the implement. It was not an
easy job. As I sat upon the stone floor, resting,
Himmel came by to see the finished effort and
spent a good deal of time inspecting the thing for
any words. This worried me, for if the words were
discovered, Himmel could destroy the entire
apparatus in two seconds flat, and so, although I
was much too tired to rise, I watched nervously.
Green hair flying, three eyes all poked out at the
same time (unusual, that), telescoping fingers
inserted in every conceivable location; having
received my assurances that nothing would bite,
those fingers explored every millimeter of the
apparatus relentlessly and passed right over the
words etched into the upper surface. Three times.
"Stop it," I said to them, then to Himmel, "Can't
you stop them?"
"They do as they please," Himmel replied,
writhing one of three yellow-scaled bellies in a
shrug gesture. Himmel, I realized with surprise
and relief, can't read. I hadn't know that before.
Funny how little you know some people, even after
seventy years.
Greze tells me that Nort is planning a party, but
is undecided on the guest list. Since there are only
four of us, I wondered what the problem could be
then decided that Nort may be planning to invite
the sea-slips again. If so I'll have to put off the
entire plan until they leave; it's impossible to get
any serious work done when they're around.
The wind comes up tonight. I must be losing
track of the seasons. Last week I could have sworn
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