The Hockey News - August 17, fitness, odżywianie - inne, magazyny

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//-->THEA M A Z IN GLISTS ISSUEOUR DEFINITIVE RANKINGS THATYOU’RE SURE TO AGREE WITH*(*orno t)STARS ONTHE MOVETHE INSIDEWORD ONYOUR TEAM’STOP DRAFTPICK>DOUGIE HAMILTON>PHIL KESSEL>MILAN LUCIC>BRANDON SAADINSTANT LEGENDSARE EICHEL & MCDAVID DESTINED TO BE BEST DU0 EVER?DANIEL NEGREANUGAMBLES ON VEGASTHE BROTHERS METROPOLIT|OUT OF THE PROJECTS AND INTO THE NHL…AND PRISONENGINE ON.RADIO OFF.The best music in a WRX STI doesn’t come from its radio.It comes from the Twin-Scroll turbocharged, direct-injection 2.0L 4-cylinderSUBARU BOXER® engine. It comes from the throttle response. And it comesfrom the quad exhaust. And it might just become your new favourite song.Learn more at subaru.ca/WRX.® Subaru, WRX STI, and SUBARU BOXER are registered trademarks.OPENING FACEOFFAugust 17, 2015Vol.69No.02FEATURESSHOELESS BROJiri Hudler airs out the olddogs behind the scenes at theNHL Awards. He didn’t win theMessier Leadership Award onthe left, but he did take homethe Lady Byng Trophy.1218Top Draft DuosConnor McDavid and Jack Eichel willbe special, but they have a lot of work to doto become the best 1-2 draft picks of all-timeBy Ken CampbellThe MetropolitsTwo brothers. Same toughupbringing. One forged a career in prohockey, the other a life of crime and prisonBy Ken Campbell& Lovin’24Listing ItItWhether Ekblad youngor Jagr old, we’ve got itcovered as we hand outour annual hardwareand count down thebest – and worst – fromhockey present, pastand future.DEPARTMENTS04Editor’s NotebookCompetitive chips must be stacked straightbefore the NHL spins the expansion wheel06Inside HockeyHUDLER: BRUCE BENNETT/GETTY IMAGES; EKBLAD: JARED SILBER/NHLI VIA GETTY IMAGESTen years after the birth of the New NHL,which changes made the grade?46Team ReportsBoston and Calgary: a tale of two citiesheaded in very different directions54Prospect ReportPerpetual prospect Jacob Markstrom finallyready for full-time NHL duty in Vancouver55The Straight EdgeRussia is making a lot of real-world enemies,but it has a friend again in the NHL draft56Strange But True‘Fiery Phil’ had little patience for goalieGump Worsley and his “beer-barrel belly”57Last Minute58OvertimeON THE COVERJack Eichel and Connor McDavid by Jeff Vinnick/NHLI via Getty ImagesThe Sharks looked sunk, but suddenly theyhave teeth again after a bold off-seasonA U G U S T 17, 2 0 15 - T H E H O C K E Y N E W S|3EST. 1947WITH JASON KAYVP & GROUP PUBLISHERJacqueline LochEDITOR IN CHIEFJason KaySENIOR EDITOREDITOR’S NOTEBOOKIT’S ALLABOUTTHE BASEBrian CostelloMANAGING EDITOREdward FraserSENIOR WRITERKen CampbellASSOCIATE SENIOR WRITERRyan KennedyDESIGNERShea BerencsiCOLUMNIST/WRITERAdam ProteauASSOCIATE EDITORSMatt Larkin, Ronnie ShukerCONTRIBUTORJared ClintonFREELANCE DESIGNERGreg HallINTERNSRachel Villari, Carter BrooksCONTRIBUTING PHOTOGRAPHERSSteve & Brian Babineau, Hockey Hall of FameDIRECTOR, MARKETING AND COMMUNICATIONSSilvana SciortinoBRAND MANAGER, MARKETING AND COMMUNICATIONSCarlie McGheeSENIOR DESIGNERColin ElliottMARKETING AND COMMUNICATIONS INTERNNikeshia DucentDIRECTOR OF OPERATIONSSylvain CoutuPRODUCTION COORDINATORJudy StraderGENERAL SALES MANAGER, CONSUMER ADVERTISING PRINTKelly WhitelockNATIONAL ACCOUNT EXECUTIVEChnida WalshMARKETPLACE SALES & SALES COORDINATORMaddie BelangerSENIOR DIRECTOR, DIGITAL AD OPERATIONS & INNOVATIONEric LatreilleCAMPAIGN MANAGERMelissa CarmichaelBUSINESS MANAGERNancy BakerNEWSSTAND DIRECTORPat StrangisDIGITAL MARKETING MANAGERJason PattersonVICE PRESIDENT, CONSUMER MARKETINGChristopher PurcellGROUP CIRCULATION DIRECTOR, CONSUMER MARKETINGDoris ChanPRODUCT MARKETING MANAGERSYen Duong, Amanda StoneEXECUTIVE ASSISTANTLinda GillANNUAL SUBSCRIPTION RATES:North America: $52.95 including taxes. Outside North America,Digital Only: $52.95.NEWSSTAND:Weekly Cover Price: $3.99 Distributed by Coast to CoastNewsstand Services Partnership, and the English Poolbook (Cover Price: $9.99). The FrenchPoolbook national distributor is TVA Group (Cover Price: $9.99).THE HOCKEY NEWS OFFICESIf the NHL expands, howdoes it give the new clubsthe right start withoutdamaging the Original 30?THERE ARE THREE THINGS DOMINATINGNHL expansion chatter: lo-cation, location and, yes, location. We get it. The notion of whereto place the league’s next team(s) is sexy and emotional.But the concept of growing the business by selling more fran-chises isn’t all shifts and giggles. There are multiple considerationshigh-tailed it to Winnipeg when things failed in Georgia), Minnesotaand Columbus. In 59 combined seasons, the quartet has had 18 playoff-Canada:25 Sheppard Ave. W., Suite 100, Toronto, Ont. M2N 6S7, CanadaPhone: 416-733-7600 Fax: 416-340-2786USA:2706 Gateway Rd., Carlsbad, CA 92009. Attn: Michelle Gross/Chris PurcellSUBSCRIPTIONS & CUSTOMER SERVICES CONTACT INFO1-888-361-9768ONLINEwww.myaccount.thehockeynews.comMAIL IN CANADA:The Hockey News, PO Box 5300 STN Industrial Park, Markham, ON L3R 9Z9MAIL IN USA:The Hockey News, PO Box 904, Buffalo, NY 14240-0904UK AND EUROPE:www.thehockeynews.com/subscribeSUBSCRIPTION EXPIRY, BILLING AND RENEWAL NOTICES:You can determine when yoursubscription expires by checking your mailing label. Our labels and notices are producedin advance of issues and notices being mailed. Please allow four to six weeks for renewalsand requests for address changes to avoid missing any issues. It is possible that your pay-ment or renewal notice will cross in the mail with our next notice. If you receive yet anothernotice, please let us know.PRIVACY POLICY:On occasion, we make our subscriber list available to carefully screenedorganizations whose product or service might interest you. If you prefer that we not share yourname and address (postal and/or e-mail), you can remove your name from our mailing list byreaching us at any of the listed contact points. Review our complete Privacy Policy at THN.com.six rounds, four by the Wild and two by the Preds. None has won amuch as a post-season game. In terms of the bottom line, all four are--expansion draft protection guidelines, which means the establishedThe Hockey News (ISSN 0018-3016) publishes 18 issues per year, including four specialtymagazines – Future Watch (March), Draft Preview (May), Yearbook (August) and the Collec-tor’s Edition (October). Details at THN.com/faq.Minimum Single Copy Price: $3.99. Distribution Canadian publications Mail AgreementNo.41557548, Registration No.09255 paid at Gateway, Mississauga, Ont. Return undeliver-able Canadian addresses to TVA Publications Inc., 1010 rue de Sérigny, 4e étage, Longueuil,Que., J4K 5G7. In the U.S. periodical postage (579-540) paid at Buffalo, N.Y., 14240-9544and at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER return undeliverable US addresses to THNCirculation, Box 904, Buffalo, NY, 14240-9554. Email thehockeynews@cdsglobal.caReproduction rights/Copyrights All reproduction requests must be made to: COPIBEC(paper reproductions) 800-717-2022 CEDROM-SN1 (electronic reproductions)reproduction@cedrom-sni.comThe Hockey News was co-founded by Ken McKenzie and W.V. Cote in 1947.TVA PUBLICATIONS INC.PRESIDENT AND CEOJulie TremblayVICE PRESIDENT GROUP PUBLISHERLucie DumasIt’s in the best interest of league business that any new franchisesnot become a drag on the bottom line. While the fees will be a nice bo-Contents copyright 2015 for TVA Publications Inc.Printed at Transcontinental RBW Graphics, 2049 20th St. E., Owen Sound, Ont., N4K 5R2We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada through the CanadaPeriodical Fund (CPF) of the Department of Canadian Heritage.is about the coin. Oh, and location.NEXT ISSUESEPTEMBER 14, 2015CUSTOMER SERVICE AND TO SUBSCRIBE:thn.comCONTACT US:editorial@thehockeynews.comPEFC/01-31-1064|T H E H O C K E Y N E W S - A U G U S T 17, 2 0 15RYAN BROOK/TC MEDIA™™Dr. John Ellis introducesthe first petroleum-basedengine lubricating oilValvoline develops X-18,a single grade oil whichcould be used in placeof 18 different specifiedautomotive lubricantsValvoline introducesthe first & best sellingracing oil of all timeValvoline launchesMaxLife®, the first motor oilfor high mileage engines186619 39196 520001895The winning car in NorthAmerica’s first auto raceuses Valvoline motor oil19 54Valvoline introducesall-climate, all-season oil;now people don’t have toswitch oils for each season199 6Valvoline launchesDuraBlend™, the firstsynthetic blend motor oil2 013Valvoline introduces itsfirst Engine Warrantyprogram, offering up to500,000 KM of protectionValvoline invented the engine oil category almost 150 years ago – and we haven’t stopped pushing new innovations since.OVER 140 YEARS UNDER THE HOOD©2015 Ashland™Trademark, Ashland or its subsidiaries, registered in various countries. 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