The Order of the GBG, Ksiazki, Okultyzm

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The Order of the G



Its Origins and Beginning
It is my conviction that the founder of the G.’.B.’.G.’. was the greatest and most efficient teacher
of this Century in that field of occultism known as Magick’. ( all members of the Order have
concurred in this) I make no statement as to the height if his Initiation; only that he was the
greatest and most efficient teacher, and upon this alone it seems sufficient to postulate that he
had a dispensation.
Now, be it known that being the greatest teacher does not mean a great pedagogue, per se! The
head of this Order knew what to teach to get the best and most rapid results, how to teach it and
how to get the best response from the neophytes. All of this is included in this exposition of The
Complete Magick Curriculum of the Secret Order G.’.B.’.G.’.
It is a mistake to evaluate one’s personality against his ability and attainments, but some
identification of a person is expected- Here is a brief statement about the head and founder of this
In the outer world his name was C. F. Russell; his magickal name was
frater Genesthai.
further identification is to be had from the book
The Great Beast
by John Symonds. Russell was
the man who had a tiff with Crowley at the Ab in Cefalu, Italy, about giving up his room. Russell
went up on “The Rock” for a magical retirement and had been there sixty hours without food or
water- Jane Wolf (called Elizabeth Fox in Symond’s book) took food and water to Russell and
brought him down.
Jane Wolf, whom I knew for years, told me that Crowley recognized the attainment of Russell and
had given Russell his blessing for him to found his own Order—naturally based on these three
(I) Liber Legis, (2) Thelema, (3) The Aeon Of Horus.
The foregoing is given more for the purpose of providing an outline of the lineal descent and
character of the Order.
In this we begin with the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn founded in England in 1887. This
was the one and only great Order with a dispensation for the repose and promulgation of Westen,
Magick. The Order of the Golden Dawn had been rocked by inner dissension about the same
time that Crowley founded his Order A.’.A.’. Crowley had been a high inititiate in the Golden
Dawn and Russell bad been a member of it also.
(This history of personalities and orders has been given as briefly as possible, and given only
because so many people demand it.)
The Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn is long since closed. Crowley’s A. A., and O.’.T.’.O.’. are
now closed. It is not within the scope of this book to venture theories as to how and why these
orders die a natural death. Since the beginning of history occult schools have arisen, flourished
and then disappeared from objective existence. Then in other times, in other places, other
schools come to objective existence. Nations also rise, flourish and decay. So it is with all living
The G.’.B.’.G.’. is now also closed, since 1937. This was a most esoteric Order, with binding
oaths of Secrecy. It is only because of the time elapsed since the demise of the Order that the
entire workings can be revealed. The Order was founded in 1931. Russell told me that he would
“close the doors” in 1936, and he did. Activity continued in several groups, however, until as late
as 1938.
In the year 93I this announcement appeared in the
Occult Digest:
A shortcut to Initiation
The Choronzon Club
Box Chicago, 111
Being one of the first to answer, a notice was received that if I wanted to receive full attention and
benefit from Headquarters, there should be at least eight “loyal and active” members to form a
“Neighborhood Lodge”. My neighborhood was San Diego City and County in California.
Lest one think that this was a method for getting easy money and members, It should be stated
that the fee for joining was only $5.00, and that if a member brought in a new member he was
allowed to keep half the $5.00. Furthermore, there were no dues, and no solicitation for
donations. Thus at the very outset the G.’.B.’.G.’. was unique among occult orders.
The structure of tile Order was a hierarchy. When member A took member B into the Order, and
B in turn secured member C, then it was B’s responsibility to instruct C, and it was A’s res to
instruct B and also to supervise his entire hierarchy chain. The importance and efficiency of this
system should be obvious. Also it should be stated that there is only one thing which qualifies me
to set down the entire cuniculum of the Order, and that is that I was the Neighborhood Phmate”
(NP.) for the San Diego neighborhood”. The NP. was the only member that was in communication
th Headquarters; furthermore, he was the only one who received the official documents. The very
good reason for this will also be explaine&
There are those who would want to know about the extent of the membership of the Order. First,
it should he stated that the curriculum was very demanding on the member’s interest, effort and
time, and this naturally led to dropouts. Therefore, we limited the word “member” to those who
proved to be “loyal and active” members. In San Diego the membership averaged 25, In Los
Angeles there were three lodges, total average membership of 75. In San Francisco, average of
50. In Denver the average was 125. Of the membership in other localities, I cannot give any idea.
Now, we will proceed directly to THE COMPLETE MAGICK CURRICULUM
of the Order.
“Isis in Welcome” The sign of
complete femimine reception,
Nourishment and the Spiritual
* Legs are also spread wide apart .
“There is no part of me that is not of
the Gods”. Shows the clenched thumb
used as the Magickal Wand instead of
an instrument. See Chapter II
“Countenance beholds Countenance.” The
Priestess, under the aid of the Magickal Ritual of
the other three Ritualists, performed the
Invocation of Pan eight times during a period of
eight hours and received a great Illumination and
transforming Initiation
The Ultimate Aim of Magick
The Knowledge and Conversation of ones holy Guardian Angel
A short-cut to Initiation!” The know-it-all says. “there is no short cut.” This is tantamount to saying
that the best material, the best methods, the best technic, the best direction and the best time
savers can not bring quicker and better results than the worst—in ANYTHING.
The G.’.B.’.G.’. demanded
in the work, day in and day out, not missing a single day.
Let this be the first and most valuable lesson to anyone—REGULARITY. Thirty minutes daily until
one has put in twenty hours brings more accomplishment than fifty hours of desultory practice, at
least in Initiatory Magick.
We recognise no less than the ultimate aim in Magick. which is to attain to the Knowledge and
Conversation of one’s Holy Guardian Angel (abbreviated in our literature as K & C of HGA). Albeit
one may attain to actual UNION with the HGA if they are so blessed. The HGA though really
nameless, has been called the Higher Self, the Augoeides, the All-Knower, the Divine Genius, the
True Ruler, Adonai, the Indwelling Spirit, etc. Carl Jung calls it his Deamon (not demon!).
You will be given work which leads to the attainment of Magiclcal Powers, Inst these powers are
never to be regarded
as ends in themselves. They are aids to you in the Great Work (abbreviate G.W.), which is the
attainment of the K & C of H G A.
All official documents are sent only to the NP. He or any other Imediate Superior allows the
Immediat inferior to read them only in the presence of the I.S.. The .is I.I. is not allowed to make
copies of these documents. Definitely we do not give out copies of documents for members to
casually read and then file away. The member receives the communication of a document
because he is NOW ready for it, and he must NOW thoroughly digest it and proceed with his work
NOW! The I.S. should and must explain everything in the document until satisfied that the I.I. has
mastered the contents and is ready to proceed.
Being groomed for the responsibility of NP., I received the following I from Headquarters:
The documents from Headquarters give the practices and workings demanded from each
member. We do not give explanations of WHAT and HOW any given work is supposed to
accomplish. In the first place, this would he a demand upon our time at headquarters. In the
second place, we are not interested in passing our material which serves only to titillate the
intellect. in the third place, to tell the member just what results he may expect and how and why it
works, serves too often to defeat its own purpose. If a member cannot and will not begin at once
to follow out the various practices given to him, then he is not a loyal working member. It will be
HE who squeezes himself out of the Order—not the Order. It is very important that the NP. and
the IS. see to it that this is understood well, and willingly accepted.
In the following chapter is given the first two practices which were undertaken by the beginner in
his quest.
Note- -the author of this book holds firmly to the points in the above letter. However, I shall frequently give various results
of practices of members of the Order, actual empirical experiences —without contrived theories.
The Borderland Consciousness
Dream Recall and Magickal Identity
The first practices undertaken by the neophyte occupy approximately two months time, and really
start the process of Integration at the beginning!
The First Practice Directive
Get a blank book and label it DREAM BOOK. Begin at once to record your dreams every
morning—each and every morning—without skipping. Write down in all possible detail the
dreams you recall. Seemingly insignificant details may be very relevant clues. However, one does
not make any attempt to interpret the meaning of the dreams at the time of recording them. Why
record the dream ? Most dreams are soon forgotten, and it is in the light of the passage of time
that one can see the significance of one’s dreams.
- Upon reading a dream of two months past, one can often decipher the code and symbols of the
dream Indeed, in some cases, one does not get the message until a year or more later.
Furthermore, within a few weeks of working in the Order Curriculum, many dreams have
significance in terms of the conditions and progress in the magickal work and may serve as a
valuable hint to the working neophyte—and to the I.S.
If the foregoing was solely for the purpose of capturing and recording dreams, one might well say,
This seems to be too much work and trouble for this end.’’ Therefore, this one case where I feel I
should not maintaining the rule of not explaining the hows and whys of a prescribed magical
When one is 100% asleep one does not dream—at least dreams as we know them. When
dreaming, we are in a partial state of waking consciousness. Be it 85% asleep and 15% waking
(to hazard a percentage), this is a unique state of mind. In a private manuscript issued by ‘‘Ida C.”
called Heavenly Bridegrooms, she has called it the “Borderland’’. Again to hazard a percentage,
even 15% sleeping state and 85% waking state is of the Borderland. The substance of the
manuscript by Ida C. is given later in this book as a very potent magick practice.
So, the dream state is the Borderland consciousness state. The importance of the ability to
function in a quasi borderland state may well be more than half of the technique of Magick. It is
involved in making the IMAGINATION to be SUBJECTIVE REAL. Without this, a large part of
Magick is a futile thing. Further, the ability to get the message of symbols, the intuition, a certain
sense of awareness, all of which are magickal ‘tools”, have some connection or relation with that
what is here called the Borderland consciousness, and it is even involved in those important
essentials called aspiration and inspiration.
‘‘But,” someone says, ‘‘Everybody dreams. What is so important about this dream business?” At
this point, the plaint seems to have some validity there is more to be explained.
Certainly we all dream, not only a few dreams are recaptured unless one has mastered this
practice of recalling then,.
The technic of dream recall is very simple, but strangely enough it is not well known. Upon
awaking, it is important that one not even stretch the body or do any other thing
that shakes the
sleep out’’ of the eyes. Just lie in bed supine and relaxed, waiting to see if a dream comes to
mind. Do not think too intensely lest it bring you closer to a full waking state..If nothing comes to
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