The Valley of the Lost - Robert E. Howard, ebook, CALIBRE SFF 1970s, Temp 2

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The Valley of the LostAs a wolf spies upon its hunters, John Reynolds watched his pursuers. He lay close in a thicket on the slope, a red inferno of hate seething in his heart. He had ridden hard; up the slope behind him, where the dim path wound up out of Lost Valley, his crank-eyed mustang stood, head drooping, trembling, after the long run. Below him, not more than eighty yards away, stood his enemies, fresh come from the slaughter of his kinsmen.In the clearing fronting Ghost Cave they had dismounted and were arguing among themselves. John Reynolds knew them all with an old, bitter hate. The black shadow of feud lay between them and himself.The feuds of early Texas have been neglected by chroniclers who have sung the feuds of the Kentucky mountains, yet the men who first settled the Southwest were of the same breed as those mountaineers. But there was a difference; in the mountain country feuds dragged on for generations; on the Texas frontier they were short, fierce and appallingly bloody.The Reynolds-McCrill feud was long, as Texas feuds went?fifteen years had passed since old Esau Reynolds stabbed young Braxton McCrill to death with his bowie knife in the saloon at Antelope Wells, in a quarrel over range rights. For fifteen years the Reynoldses and their kin, the Brills, Allisons and Donnellys, had been at open war with the McCrills and their kin, the Killihers, the Fletchers and the Ords. There had been ambushes in the hills, murders on the open range, and gun-fights on the streets of the little cow-towns. Each clan had rustled the other?s cattle wholesale. Gunmen and outlaws called in by both sides to participate for pay had spread a reign of terror and lawlessness throughout the vicinity. Settlers shunned the war-torn range; the feud was become a red obstacle in the way of progress and development?a savage retrogression which was demoralizing the whole countryside.Little John Reynolds cared. He had grown up in the atmosphere of the feud, and it had become a burning obsession with him. The war had taken fearful toll on both clans, but the Reynoldses had suffered most. He was the last of the fighting Reynoldses, for old Esau, the grim old patriarch who ruled the clan, would never again walk or sit in a saddle, with his legs paralyzed by McCrill bullets. John had seen his brothers shot down from ambush or killed in pitched battles.Now the last stroke had well-nigh wiped out the waning clan. John Reynolds cursed as he thought of the trap into which they had walked in the saloon at Antelope Wells, where without warning their hidden foes had opened their murderous fire. There had fallen his cousin, Bill Donnelly; his sister?s son, young Jonathon Brill; his brother-in-law, Job Allison; and Steve Kerney, the hired gunman. How he himself had shot his way through and gained the hitching-rack, untouched by that blasting hail of lead, John Reynolds hardly knew. But they had pressed him so closely he had not had time to mount his long-limbed rangy bay, but had been forced to take the first horse he came to?the crank-eyed, speedy, but short-winded mustang of the dead Jonathon Brill.He had distanced his pursuers for a while?had gained the uninhabited hills and swung back into mysterious Lost Valley, with its silent thickets and crumbling stone columns, seeking to double back over the hills and gain the country of the Reynoldses. But the mustang had failed him. He had tied it up the slope, out of sight of the valley floor, and crept back, to see his enemies ride into the valley. There were five of them?old Jonas McCrill, with the perpetual snarl twisting his wolfish lips; Saul Fletcher, with his black beard and the limping, dragging gait that a fall in his youth from a wild mustang had left him; Bill Ord and Peter Ord, brothers; the outlaw Jack Solomon.Jonas McCrill?s voice came up to the silent watcher: ?And I tell yuh he?s a-hidin? somewhere in this valley. He was a-ridin? that mustang and it didn?t never have no guts. I?m bettin? it give plumb out on him time he got this far.??Well??it was the hated voice of Saul Fletcher??what?re we a-standin? ?round pow-wowin? for? Why don?t we start huntin? him???Not so fast,? growled old Jonas. ?Remember it?s John Reynolds we?re achasin?. We got plenty time??John Reynolds? fingers hardened on the stock of his single-action .45. There were two cartridges unfired in the cylinder. He pushed the muzzle through the stems of the thicket in front of him, his thumb drawing back the wicked fanged hammer. His grey eyes narrowed and became opaque as ice as he sighted down the long blue barrel. An instant he weighed his hatred, and chose Saul Fletcher. All the hate in his soul centered for an instant on that brutal black-bearded face, and the limping tread he had heard a night he lay wounded in a besieged corral with his brother?s riddled corpse beside him, and fought off Saul and his brothers.John Reynolds? finger crooked and the crash of the shot broke the echoes in the sleeping hills. Saul Fletcher swayed back, flinging his black beard drunkenly upward, and crashed face-down and headlong. The others, with the quickness of men accustomed to frontier warfare, dropped behind rocks, and their answering shots roared back as they combed the slope blindly. The bullets tore through the thickets, whistling over the unseen killer?s head. High up on the slope the mustang, out of the sight of the men in the valley but frightened by the noise, screamed shrilly and, rearing, snapped the reins that held him and fled away up the hill path. The drum of his hoofs on the stones dwindled in the distance.Silence reigned for an instant, then Jonas McCrill?s wrathful voice: ?I told yuh he was a-hidin? here! Come outa there?he?s got clean away.?The old fighter?s rangy frame rose up from behind the rock where he had taken refuge. Reynolds, grinning fiercely, took steady aim, then some instinct of self-preservation held his hand. The others came out into the open.?What are we a-waitin? on?? yelled young Bill Ord, tears of rage in his eyes. ?Here that coyote?s done shot Saul and?s ridin? hell-for-leather away from here, and we?re a-standin? ?round jawin?. I?m a-goin? to?? He started for his horse.?Yuh?re a-goin? to listen to me!? roared old Jonas. ?I warned yuh-all to go slow?but yuh would come lickety-split along like a bunch of blind buzzards, and now Saul?s layin? there dead. lf we ain?t careful John Reynolds?ll kill all of us. Did I tell yuh-all he was here? Likely stopped to rest his horse. He can?t go far. This here?s a long hunt, like I told yuh at first. Let him get a good start. Long as he?s ahead of us, we got to watch out for ambushes. He?ll try to git back onto the Reynolds range. Well, we?re a-goin? after him slow and easy and keep him hazed back all the time. We?ll be a-ridin? the inside of a big half-circle and he can?t get by us?not on that short-winded mustang. We?ll just foller him and gather him in when his horse can?t do no more. And I purty well know where he?ll come to bay at?Blind Horse Canyon.??We?ll have to starve him out, then,? growled Jack Solomon.?No, we won?t,? grinned old Jonas. ?Bill, yuh high-tail it back to Antelope and git five or six sticks of dynamite. Then you git a fresh horse and follow our trail. If we catch him before he gits to the canyon, all right. If he beats us there and holes up, we?ll wait for yuh, and then blast him out.??What about Saul?? growled Peter Ord.?He?s dead,? grunted Jonas. ?Nothin? we can do for him now. No time to take him back.? He glanced up at the sky, where already black dots wheeled against the blue. His gaze drifted to the walled-up mouth of the cavern in the steep cliff which rose at right angles to the slope up which the path wandered.?We?ll break open that cave and put him in it,? he said. ?We?ll pile up the rocks again and the wolves and buzzards can?t git to him. May be several days before we git back.??That cave?s ha?nted,? uneasily muttered Bill Ord. ?The Injuns always said if yuh put a dead man in there, he?d come a-walkin? out at midnight.??Shet up and help pick up pore Saul,? snapped Jonas. ?Here?s your own kin a-layin? dead, and his murderer a-ridin? further away every second, and you talk about ha?nts.?As they lifted the corpse, Jonas drew the long-barreled six-shooter from the holster and shoved the weapon into his own waist-band.?Pore Saul,? he grunted. ?He?s shore dead. Shot plumb through the heart. Dead before he hit the ground, I reckon. Well, we?ll make them damned Reynoldses pay for it.?They carried the dead man to the cave and, laying him down, attacked the rocks which blocked the entrance. These were soon torn aside, and Reynolds saw the men carry the body inside. They emerged almost immediately, minus their burden, and mounted their horses. Young Bill Ord swung away down the valley and vanished among the trees, and the rest cantered up the winding trail that led up into the hills. They passed within a hundred feet of his refuge and John Reynolds hugged the earth, fearing discovery. But they did not glance in his direction. He heard the dwindling of their hoofs over the rocky path, then silence settled again over the ancient valley.John Reynolds rose cautiously, looked about him as a hunted wolf looks, then made his way quickly down the slope. He had a very definite purpose in mind. A single unfired cartridge was all his ammunition; but about the dead body of Saul Fletcher was a belt well filled with .45 calibre cartridges.As he attacked the rocks heaped in the cave?s mouth, there hovered in his mind the curious dim speculations which the cave and the valley itself always roused in him. Why had the Indians named it the Valley of the Lost, which white men shorte... [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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