Theoretical Manual for Pile Foundations, Książki, dokumenty, kursy, budownictwo, CPTU i projektowanie pali

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Computer-Aided Structural Engineering Project
Theoretical Manual for Pile Foundations
Reed L. Mosher and William P. Dawkins
November 2000
Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited.
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Department of the Army position, unless so designated by other
authorized documents.
Computer-Aided Structural
Engineering Project
November 2000
Theoretical Manual for Pile Foundations
Reed L. Mosher
Geotechnical and Structures Laboratory
U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center
3909 Halls Ferry Road
Vicksburg, MS 39180-6199
William P. Dawkins
Oklahoma State University
Stillwater, OK 74074
Final report
Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited
Prepared for
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
Washington, DC 20314-1000
Preface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ix
Conversion Factors, Non-SI to SI Units of Measurement ..................x
1—Introduction ..................................................1
Pile Behavior .................................................1
Axial Behavior ................................................1
Lateral Behavior...............................................2
Battered Piles .................................................2
Classical Analysis and/or Design Procedures ........................2
State-of-the-Corps-Art Methods for Hydraulic Structures ...............3
2—Single Axially Loaded Pile Analysis...............................5
Introduction ..................................................5
Load-Transfer Mechanism.......................................5
Synthesis of
Curves for Piles in Sand Under Compressive Loading . . . 8
Synthesis of
Curves for Piles in Clay Under Compressive Loading . . . 17
Tip Reactions ................................................23
Synthesis of
Curves for Piles in Sand Under Compressive Loading . . 24
Synthesis of
Curves for Piles in Clay Under Compressive Loading . . . 27
Other Considerations ..........................................28
Bearing on Rock ..............................................30
Cyclic Loading ...............................................30
Algorithm for Analysis of Axially Loaded Piles .....................30
Observations of System Behavior ................................31
3—Single Laterally Loaded Pile Analysis ............................32
Introduction .................................................32
Load Transfer Mechanism for Laterally Loaded Piles.................34
Synthesis of
Curves for Piles in Sand ..........................34
Synthesis of
Curves for Piles in Clay...........................40
Algorithm for Analysis of Laterally Loaded Piles....................53
Observations of System Behavior ................................56
Linearly Elastic Analyses.......................................56
Variation of Lateral Resistance Stiffness ...........................58
 Pile Head Stiffness Coefficients for Lateral Loading .................60
Evaluation of Linear Lateral Soil Resistance ........................61
4—Algorithm for Analysis of Torsionally Loaded Single Piles............63
Elastic Analysis ..............................................64
5—Pile Head Stiffness Matrix......................................67
Three-Dimensional System .....................................67
Pile Head Fixity ..............................................69
Pinned-Head Pile .............................................70
Partial Fixity at Pile Head.......................................70
Free-Standing Pile Segment .....................................71
Alternatives for Evaluating Pile Head Stiffnesses ....................73
6—Analysis of Pile Groups ........................................75
Classical Methods for Pile Group Analysis .........................75
Moment-of-Inertia (Simplified Elastic Center) Method ...............75
Culmann’s Method............................................76
“Analytical” Method...........................................76
Stiffness Method of Pile Foundations .............................76
References .....................................................87
Bibliography ...................................................92
Appendix A: Linear Approximation for Load Deformation of Axial Piles . . A1
Appendix B: Nondimensional Coefficients for Laterally Loaded Piles..... B1
SF 298
List of Figures
Figure 1. Axially loaded pile .....................................6
Figure 2. One-dimensional model of axially loaded pile................7
Figure 3.
curve by Method SSF1 ...............................8
Figure 4. Ultimate side friction for Method SSF1 .....................9
Figure 5. Equivalent radius for noncircular cross sections .............10
Figure 6.
curve by Method SSF2 ..............................13
Figure 7. Direct shear test of softening soil .........................14
Figure 8.
curve by Method SSF3 ..............................15
Figure 9.
curves by Method SSF4 .............................16
Figure 10.
curve by Method SSF5 ..............................18
Figure 11.
curves by Method CSF1 .............................19
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