The 2nd Book of the Lemegeton - The Lesser Key of Solomon, Ksiazki, Okultyzm

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Theurgia Goetia – The Second Book of the Lemegeton
Edited, formatted, and converted to Acrobat by Benjamin Rowe, June 1999.
This edition was assembled from various published versions, and later checked
and modified against a microfilm of Sloane MS. 2731 from the British Museum.
The text as shown does not precisely reflect any of the versions; it is closest to the
British Museum version, but with some interpolated words to enable the reader to
more easily make sense of it. The Seals of the Spirits are substantially the same as
those in the BM version.
The illustrations have been optimized for printing on a 300-dpi or higher laser
or inkjet printer. Depending on your monitor and driver software, they may not
appear on your screen with their best quality.
Typeset in Adobe Caslon.
Theurgia Goetia
Here Beginneth The Second Book called the Art Theurgia Goetia
of Solomon the King
In this following treatise you have the names of the Chief Spirits with several of the
Ministring Spirits that are under them, with their Seals or charactors which are to be
worn as a Lamen on your breast, for without that the Spirit that has appeared will
not obey to do your will.
The office of these Spirits is all one, for what one can do the others can do the
same, they can show & discover all things that are hidden, and done in the world &
can fetch & carry & do any thing that is to be done or contained in any of the 4 Ele-
ments, Fire, Air, Earth or Water, & also the secrets of Kings or any other persons or
person, let it be in what kind it will.
These are by nature good & evil, that is the one part is good & the other part is
Evil, they are governed by their Princes, & each Prince hath his abode in the points
of the Compass, as is showed in the following figure, therefore when you have a
desire to call any of the Princes or any of their servants, you are to direct your self
towards that point of the Compass the King or Prince has his mansion or place of
Abode, & you cannot well err in your operations, note every Prince is to have his
Conjuration, yet all of one form, excepting the name and place of the Spirit for in
that they must change & differ, also the seals of the Spirits are to be changed accord-
As for the garments & other materials, they are spoken of in the Book Goetia,
The Forme of the figure which Discovers the orders of the 31 Kings or Princes
with their Servants & Ministers, for when the King is found his subjects are easy to
be found out.
The Figure Followeth:
S &by E
S &by W
SE &by S
SW &by S
SE &by E
SW &by W
E &by S
W &by S
E &by N
W &by N
NE &by E
NW &by W
NE &by N
NW &by N
N &by E
N &by W
You may perceive by this figure that 20 of these Kings have then fixed mansions &
continue in one place, & the others are movable & are sometimes in one place &
sometimes another & sometimes in another more or less.
Therefore it is no matter which way you stand with your face when you desire to
call them or their servants. Carnesiel is the most chief & great Emperor ruling the
East, who hath 1000 great Dukes & 100 Lessor Dukes under him, besides
500,000,000,000 of ministring Spirits which are more inferior than the Dukes,
whereof we shall make no mention but only 12 of the chief Dukes & their seals
because they are sufficient for practise.
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