The complete idiot's guide to hybrid and alternative fuels, Automotive Books

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Hybrid and Alternative
Fuel Vehicles
by Jack R. Nerad
A member of Penguin Group (USA) Inc.
Hybrid and Alternative
Fuel Vehicles
by Jack R. Nerad
A member of Penguin Group (USA) Inc.
This book is dedicated to my lovely daughters Maddie, Emma, and Greta with the
hope that, in a small way at least, it will make their future and the future of all
children who live in this world better and more secure.
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Contents at a Glance
Fuel prices have sent a seismic shock through
the land, but there is more to the issues than
just the cost of gas.
2 Brief History of Alternative
Propulsion Technology
A look at the alternative technologies of the
past—steam and electric among them—gives
us a window on the future.
3 Green for Sale Today
Although hybrids rule the headlines when
it comes to fuel efficiency, there are other
technologies that are worthy of attention.
4 Gasoline-Electric Hybrid Vehicles
The vehicle of choice for environmentally aware
celebrities, the hybrid car offers fuel efficiency
and low exhaust emissions.
5 Flex Fuel/E85 Vehicles
Growing our own fuel has become very appeal-
ing, and Flex Fuel vehicles allow us to use bio-
fuel right now … but there is a catch.
6 Natural Gas Vehicles
Some say natural gas has great promise in
solving the issues of high fuel cost and environ-
mental concerns, and you can fill up at home.
7 Clean Diesel and Biodiesel Vehicles
The last thing most people think about diesels is
that they can be environmentally friendly, but
the new-generation diesels are both clean and
Don’t give up on the gasoline engine just yet.
New technology is making the old horse both
cleaner and more efficient.
1 Challenges to Our Mobility
8 New Tech Gasoline Vehicles
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