The Crucified Rabbi - Taylor Marshall, Catholic Books
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//-->THECRUCIFIEDRABBIJUDAISM AND THEORIGINSOFCATHOLICCHRISTIANITYTAYLORMARSHALLORIGINS OFCATHOLICCHRISTIANITYTRILOGYVOLUMEONESAINTJOHNPRESSMMIXCopyright © 2009 Taylor Reed MarshallAll Rights Reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic ormechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system without the permission inwriting from the publisher or author.Please visitThe Crucified Rabbion the web at:www.crucifiedrabbi.com2ךיחאמ ךברקמ איבנהוהי ךל םיקי ינמכוילא ךיהלא ׃ןועמשת- Deuteronomy 18:15εἰ γ�½�ρ ἐπιστεύετε Μωϋσεῖ, ἐπιστεύετε ἂ�½ ἐμοί περ�½� γ�½�ρ ἐμοῦ ἐκεῖ�½ος ἔγραψε�½. εἰ δ�½� τοῖςἐκεί�½ου γράμμασι�½ ο�½� πιστεύετε, πῶς τοῖς ἐμοῖς ῥήμασι�½ πιστεύσετε;- John 5:46-47Notus in Judæa Deus : in Israël magnum nomen eius.- Psalm 75:1-2Vulgata3CONTENTSHow I Discovered the Jewish Origins of CatholicismIntroduction1. Jewish Messiah, Catholic Christ2. Jewish Kingdom, Catholic Church3. Jewish Tevilah, Catholic Baptism4. Jewish Passover, Catholic Mass5. Jewish Kohenim, Catholic Priests6. Jewish Vestments, Catholic Vestments7. Jewish Temple, Catholic Cathedral8. Jewish Synagogue, Catholic Parish9. Jewish Nazirites, Catholic Monastics10. Jewish Marriage, Catholic Marriage11. Jewish Holy Days, Catholic Holy Days12. Jewish Tzaddikim, Catholic Saints13. Jewish Afterlife, Catholic AfterlifeEpilogue: Pray for the Peace of JerusalemAppendix: Prophecies Fulfilled by Jesus ChristBibliographyAbout Taylor Marshall, Ph.D.4ACKNOWLEDGMENTSThis book began as a collection of notes for a series of public lectures that I delivered at theCatholic Information Center in Washington, D.C. during the Spring of 2007. I am grateful totheRev. Msgr. William Stetsonwho encouraged me to organize these notes into the bookthat you now have before you. I would also like to thankKevin Jonesat the CatholicInformation Center for his feedback.I don’t know how to begin thankingJeffrey Morrow, Ph.D.Jeffrey is a Jewish convertto Catholicism and is one of the most gifted young theologians of our day. He read themanuscript and provided comments of incalculable worth—everything from theologicalobservations to specifics regarding Hebrew grammar and vocabulary. Thank you Jeff. I amalso grateful toDwight Lindleywho edited the manuscript. Special thanks are do toAlbertDoskeyfor his edits and suggestions regarding the distinctions between Pre-PentecostalJudaism and Post-Pentecostal Judaism, which are now found in the fourth printing of thisbook.Charles Pagegave the manuscript an extra polish by correcting mistakes found in thefirst printing.My thanks are also due toBishop Kevin Vannto whom this book is dedicated, toWilliam Cardinal Baum, Archbishop John Myers,andBishop Kevin Farrellfor theirsupport and encouragement, toRabbi Jacob Neusnerfor his earnest engagement withChristianity, toMark Drogin, David Moss, Roy Schoemanfor their perspective as HebrewCatholics, toDouglas GreeneandMichael Kellyat Westminster Theological Seminary forteaching me Hebrew, toPeter Enns, Peter Leithart,andJames B. Jordanfor opening myeyes to the Old Testament, toN.T. Wright, Scott Hahn, James Dunn, Michael Barber,Mary Moorman, Matthew Levering, Mike Aquilina, Brant PitreandPope BenedictXVIfor their theological insights, toThomas Howard, Marcus Grodi, Jim Anderson,Robert Barham, Robert Dunikoski, Dave Armstrong, Bill Soltesz, Christopher Malloy,Doug Pearson, Klemens Raab, Dave Palmer, Neal Judisch, Bryan Cross, Tim Troutman,Sean Dollahon, Tom Brown, Matt Yonke, Tom Riello, Andrew Preslar, John Kincaid,andJonathan Deanefor their friendship and encouragement along the way, and toDavidMillsandRaymond Arroyofor introducing me to the realm of publishing. I would like tothank theFranciscan Friars of the Renewalfor their prayers. My gratitude is also due tomy loving and supportive parentsWilliamandJennifer.Most of all, I thankmy wife Joywho is for me the virtuous and noble wife of theHebrew Scriptures:Many women have done excellently,but you surpass them all(Prov 31:29).Her influence and advice are present on every page of this book.5
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