The Mountains of Majipoor - Robert Silverberg, ebook

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//-->The Mountains of Majipoorby Robert SilverbergFictionwise Publicationswww.fictionwise.comThis ebook is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either areproducts of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance toactual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.Copyright ©l995 Agberg, Ltd.First published in March, 1995, Bantam HardcoverNOTICE: This ebook is licensed to the original purchaser only. Duplication ordistribution via email, floppy disk, network, print out, or any other means to a personother than the original purchaser is a violation of International copyright law andsubjects the violator to fines and/or imprisonment. Fictionwise Publications offers a$500 reward to anyone who provides information leading to the conviction of a personinfringing on any Fictionwise ebook copyright.COVER DESIGN BY CHRIS HARDWICKThis ebook is displayed using 100% recycled electrons.2The Mountains of Majipoorby Robert SilverbergFor Lou AronicaEditors and publishers may come and go,but a friend is a friend forever.3The Mountains of Majipoorby Robert Silverberg“I can be bold to say, that no man will ever venture fartherthan I have done.... Thick fogs, Snow storms, Intense Coldand every other thing that can render Navigation dangerousone has to encounter and these difficulties are greatlyheightned by the enexpressable horrid aspect of theCountry, a Country doomed by Nature never once to feelthe warmth of the Suns rays, but to lie for ever buriedunder everlasting snow and ice....”—Captain James Cook, Journals (February, l775)4The Mountains of Majipoorby Robert Silverberg1.The sky, which had been a frosty blue all these weeks of Harpirias'snorthward journey into this bleak and turbulent land, was the color oflead today. The air had grown so cold that it seemed to burn the skin.And a fierce cutting wind had suddenly begun rushing down through thenarrow pass in the great mountain wall just ahead, carrying with it cloudsof tiny hard particles, myriad sharp-edged things that struck Harpirias'sunprotected cheeks like little stinging insects.“Prince, you asked me yesterday what a snowstorm was like,” saidKorinaam the Shapeshifter, who was the expedition's guide. “Today you'llfind out.”“I thought it was supposed to be summer here just now,” Harpiriassaid. “Does it snow in the Khyntor Marches even in summer?”5 [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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