The Practical Guide to Mac security, EBOOKI

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//-->The MacMost Guide to MacSecurityby Gary RosenzweigFirst Edition, May 2015For Uses With: Mac OS X 10.10 YosemiteCopyright 2015 Gary Rosenzweig. All Rights Reserved.IntroductionWhat do you think of when you hear “computer security?” Doyou think about viruses that could infect your computer? Doyou think about someone breaking into your Facebook, Gmailor eBay account? Do you think about losing all of your files andphotos if you lose your computer or its hard drive crashes?Securing your Mac means protecting against these dangers andmore. But the steps many people take to protect themselves areoften ineffective. Installing antivirus software or using whatpeople consider good passwords are well-intentioned steps, butthey fall short of providing real security.In this book, I’ll review the different types of security threatsthat you face as a Mac user and as an Internet user. For each,we’ll look at how to best protect yourself.This book is a guide for the practical Mac user. It is not a bookon how to keep yourself 100 percent secure in every way. Theonly way to do that is to stay offline completely and never leavethe house.If you wish to make your Mac and your entire digital lifecompletely secure in every sense, this is not the book for you.This is a guide for those who want to use their Mac to connectto the world. This is for those who want to buy things online,share over social media and travel with their Mac whilemaintaining a decent level of security.I’ll show you common sense techniques for staying safe online.The idea is not to build a wall around you, but to learn how tolook out for problems and avoid common security pitfalls.I’m going to give you honest advice. You’ll learn my personalapproach to protecting myself, and I’ll share what I recommendto friends and family. Sometimes this advice will go againstwhat you have heard elsewhere. I don’t have any agenda exceptto be straightforward and to teach what I practice.Even if you don’t follow every piece of advice I give you, Ihope that this book makes your computing life a little moresecure and safe.About the AuthorGary Rosenzweig is the host and producer of MacMost.com, awebsite dedicated to helping people get the most from theirMacs and other Apple products. Gary has been writing aboutcomputers and technology for 19 years. His books include thebest-selling My iPad series (2010-present) and the MacMostGuide to Switching to the Mac (2009). He has created morethan 1,000 free video tutorials for MacMost.com. He alsocreates iOS and web-based games and apps.Gary’s first computer was a TRS-80 Model III in 1982. His firstApple product was an Apple IIe in 1986. He has a bachelor’sdegree in computer science from Drexel University and amaster’s degree in journalism from the University of NorthCarolina. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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