The Tipping Point How Little Things Can - Gladwell Malcolm, EBOOKI

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//-->Copyright © 2000, 2002 by Malcolm GladwellAll rights reserved.Little, Brown and CompanyHachette Book Group237 Park AvenueNew York, NY 10017Visit our website at www.HachetteBookGroup.com.The Little, Brown and Company name and logo are trademarks of Hachette Book Group, Inc.First eBook Edition: January 2002The author is grateful for permission to include the following previously copyrighted material:Excerpts from interviews on Market Mavens videotape by Linda Price, Lawrence F. Feick, andAudrey Guskey. Reprinted by permission of the authors; Exerpts from Daniel Wegner,“Transactive Memory: A Contemporary Analysis of the Group Mind,” Journal of Personalityand Social Psychology (1991), vol. 61, no. 6. Reprinted by permission of the author; Excerptsfrom Donald H. Rubinstein, “Love and Suffering: Adolescent Socialization and Suicide inMicronesia,” Contemporary Pacific (Spring 1995), vol. 7, no. 1, and “Epidemic Suicide AmongMicronesian Adolescents,” Social Science and Medicine (1983), vol. 17. Reprinted bypermission of the author; Excerpts from Paul Revere’s Ride by David Hackett Fisher. Copyright© 1994 by Oxford University Press. Reprinted by permission of the publisher.ISBN: 978-0-7595-7473-1ContentsCopyrightIntroductionONE: The Three Rules of EpidemicsTWO: The Law of the FewTHREE: The Stickiness FactorFOUR: The Power of Context (Part One)FIVE: The Power of Context (Part Two)SIX: Case StudySEVEN: Case StudyEIGHT: ConclusionAfterwordEndnotesAcknowledgmentsAcclaim for Malcolm Gladwell’sThe Tipping PointHow Little Things Can Make a Big Difference“An elegant exploration of how social epidemics work, whether they arefashion trends, diseases, or behavior patterns such as crime. . . . One ofthe most interesting aspects of Gladwell’s book is the way it reaffirmsthat human beings are profoundly social beings influenced by andinfluencing other human beings, no matter how much technology weintroduce into our lives.”— Deirdre Donahue, USA Today“Undeniably compelling . . . terrifically rewarding.”— Claire Dederer, Seattle Times“A wonderful page-turner about a wonderfully offbeat study of that little-understood phenomenon, the social epidemic.”— Daily Telegraph“One of the year’s most anticipated nonfiction titles. . . . TheTippingPoint is propelled by its author’s voracious but always amiable curiosity.. . . Gladwell has a knack for rendering complex theories in clear, elegantprose, and he makes a charismatic tour guide.”— Christopher Hawthorne, San Francisco Chronicle“As a business how-to, TheTipping Pointis truly superior, brimmingwith new theories on the science of manipulation.” — Aaron Gell, TimeOut“TheTipping Pointis one of those rare books that change the wayyou think about, well, everything. The book sets out to explain nothingless than why human beings behave the way they do, and, astonishingly,Malcolm Gladwell has the smarts and panache to pull it off.”— Jeffrey Toobin, author of A Vast Conspiracy“With passion and eloquence, Gladwell argues for the proposition thatminor alterations, carefully conceived and adeptly enacted, can producemajor consequences for individuals, organizations, and communities.”— Barry Glassner, Los Angeles Times Book Review“Gladwell is intelligent, articulate, well-informed, and thought-provoking. . . . The Tipping Point is full of interesting stuff.”— Observer (UK)“It’s hard not to be persuaded by Gladwell’s thesis. Not only does heassemble a fascinating mix of facts to support his theory — from theimpact of Paul Revere to a rash of suicides in Micronesia — but he alsomanages to weave everything into a cohesive explanation of humanbehavior. What’s more, we appreciate the optimism of a theory thatsupports, as another pundit once called it, the power of one.”— Diane Brady, Business Week“Having read this book I have thought deeply about my own business andcan now see much more value in small-scale below-the-line activity.Worth a read for marketers and students of human nature alike.”— Phil Riley, Marketing (UK)“It’s the flight of Gladwell’s thought that captures your imagination.”— Jon Garelick, Boston Phoenix [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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